Applied Theology Collection I Audios
In the Applied Theology Collection I audios, seminary professors John Frame and Steve Childers combine their almost 90 years of teaching and ministry experience to help you apply theology to life and ministry.
You’ll learn how to apply theology to your life and ministry in practical ways – with the goal of helping you better know, love, serve, and honor God as Lord in all of life. These 18 free audios are from the popular Pathway Learning Applied Theology Project courses:
Essentials in Theology (6 audios)
Foundations in Theology (6 audios)
Perspectives in Theology (6 audios)
Essentials in Theology Audios
In these six audios you will study God’s revelation of his magnificent acts (Magnalia Dei) in history recorded in Scripture, not merely to understand Christian doctrine, but to apply biblical truths about God to your life in a way that helps you better know, love, serve, and honor God as Lord in all of life.
Knowing God Through Scripture (Audio 1)
Knowing God as LORD (Audio 3)
Knowing God’s Being (Audio 4)
Knowing God’s Attributes (Audio 5)
Knowing God as Lord in All Areas of Life (Audio 6)
Foundations of Theology Audios
In these six audios you will study eight foundations Scripture provides for developing sound theology.
We Are All Theologians (Audio 1)
What is Sound Theology? (Audio 2)
Biblical and Missional Foundations (Audio 3)
Lordship and Trinitarian Foundations (Audio 4)
Redemptive and Covenantal Foundations (Audio 5)
Perspectives in Theology Audios
In these six audios you will study biblical perspectives, rooted in the doctrine of the Trinity, that will help you apply God’s revelation in Scripture to all areas of your life.
The Revelation of God (Audio 1)
God’s Attributes (Audio 2)
God’s Triune Nature and Work (Audio 3)
God’s Creation and the Fall (Audio 4)
God’s Redemption and Restoration (Audio 5)
God’s Triune Lordship in All Things (Audio 6)
Best Value!
Special 50% Discount Offer:
Take all 3 Applied Theology Collection I Courses together in one collection.
Access Self-Study Collection for 6 months: $44.99 USD
Create Group Cohort for 6 months: $39.99 USD per member
Applied Theology Collection I Courses
In this collection of four courses you will learn how to apply theology to your life and ministry in practical ways – with the goal of helping you better know, love, serve, and honor God as Lord in all of life. Preview and take these 3 courses now:
Essentials in Theology (Course 1)
Foundations in Theology (Course 2)
Perspectives in Theology (Course 3)
Check Out: Applied Theology Collection II Courses
Applied Theology Collection II Courses (5 courses) include:
Applications in Theology: Faith, Hope, and Love
Faith in Theology: Apostle’s Creed
Hope in Theology: Lord’s Prayer (Coming Soon)
Love in Theology: Ten Commandments Pt 1 (Coming Soon)
Love in Theology: Ten Commandments Pt 2 (Coming Soon)