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Church Renewal Collection I Videos
In the Church Renewal Collection I Videos, you’ll learn how to develop gospel-centered churches that transform lives and communities. These 35 free videos are from 6 popular Pathway Learning courses on Vision, Prayer, Worship, Preaching, Discipleship, and Groups.
Church Renewal Collection II Videos
In the Church Renewal Collection II Videos, you’ll learn how to develop gospel-centered churches that transform lives and communities. These 36 free videos are from 6 popular Pathway Learning courses on Evangelism, Mercy, Faith & Work, Missions, Leadership, and Renewal.
Church Planting Collection I Videos
In the Church Planting Collection I Videos, you’ll learn how to plant and develop gospel-centered churches that transform lives and communities. These 32 free videos are from 6 popular Pathway Learning courses on Vision, Calling, Focus, Philosophy, Purpose, and Values.
Church Planting Collection II Videos
Learn how to plant and develop gospel-centered churches that transform lives and communities. These 35 free videos are from 6 popular Pathway Learning courses on Prayer, Styles, Models, Conflict, Planning, and Priorities.
Applied Theology Collection I Videos
Seminary professors John Frame and Steve Childers combine their 90 years of teaching and ministry to help you apply theology to your life and ministry. These 18 videos are from 3 popular Pathway Learning courses on Essentials, Foundations, and Perspectives.
Applied Theology Collection II Videos
Seminary professors John Frame and Steve Childers combine their almost 90 years of teaching and ministry experience to help you apply theology to your life and ministry in practical ways. This collection includes videos on Applications in Theology, Faith in Theology: The Apostles’ Creed, Hope in Theology: The Lord’s Prayer (Coming Soon), and Love in Theology: The Ten Commandments Part 1 & 2 (Coming Soon).
Spiritual Formation I Videos
In the popular Spiritual Formation I Videos, you’ll learn the biblical, theological, and practical principles and practices involved in the formation of godly Christian character. These 18 videos are from the course lessons: 1) Meaning of Holiness, 2) Pursuit of Holiness, 3) Personal Change, 4) Godly Character, 5) True Holiness, and 6) Spiritual Counterfeits.
Spiritual Formation II Videos
In the popular Spiritual Formation II Videos, you’ll learn the biblical, theological, and practical principles and practices involved in the formation of godly Christian character. These 23 videos are from the course lessons: 1) Holiness in Christ, 2) Repentance, 3) Salvation, 4) Righteousness, 5) Mortification, and 6) Vivification.
Missions I Course Videos
In the Missions I Videos, you’ll learn to become a leader in world missions by developing perspectives that inspire and motivate you to action on behalf of world missions. These 36 videos are from the course lessons: 1) The Missio Dei, 2) The Story in the Stories, 3) The Divine Drama, 4) The Unfolding Acts, 5) The Story Continues Part 1, and 6) The Story Continues Part 2.
Missions II Course Videos
In the Missions II Videos, you’ll learn to become a leader in world missions by developing perspectives that inspire and motivate you to action on behalf of world missions. These 27 videos are from the course lessons: 1) Vision, 2) Disciples of All Nations, 3) The Status of the Task, 4) Mission Strategy, 5) Contextualization Part 1, and 6) Contextualization Part 2.
Discover Grace I Course Videos
In the Discover Grace I Videos, you’ll be equipped from Scripture with the essential foundations you need to continue growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. These 6 videos are from the course lessons: 1) Getting the Gospel, 2) Becoming a Disciple, 3) Reading God’s Word, 4) Entering God's Presence, 5) Engaging God's Community, and 6) Telling God's Story.
Discover Grace II Course Videos
In the Discover Grace II Videos, you’ll be equipped from Scripture with the principles and practices needed to help you to grow in becoming a mature follower of Christ. These 6 videos are from the course lessons: 1) Growing in the Spirit, 2) Growing in the Means of Grace, 3) Growing in Preaching to Yourself, 4) Growing in Your Suffering, 5) Growing in Generosity, and 6) Growing in the Workplace.
Evangelism I Videos
In the Evangelism I Videos, you’ll be equipped with a biblical, theological, and practical approach to evangelism that leads to effective personal, group, and church-wide evangelistic ministries. These videos are from the course lessons: 1) Introduction, 2) Foundations, 3) Creation and God, 4) Nature and Impact of the Fall, 5) Person and Work of Jesus Christ, and 6) Multi-Faceted Gospel.
Evangelism II Videos
In the Evangelism II Videos, you’ll be equipped with a biblical, theological, and practical approach to evangelism that leads to effective personal, group, and church-wide evangelistic ministries. These videos are from the course lessons: 1) Hard Questions Pt. 1, 2) Hard Questions Pt. 2, 3) Evangelism Methods, 4) Gospel Dynamics.
Biblical Studies Collection I Videos (Coming Soon)
Learn the foundational meanings and significance of the Old Testament and New Testament books of the Bible. This collection includes learning the historical, cultural, and literary contexts of Scripture with a focus on how to interpret and apply biblical truth to life and ministry in practical ways.
Christian Education Collection I Videos (Coming Soon)
Learn a biblical, holistic philosophy and methodology of Christian Classical Education to help improve your effectiveness in raising up mature, godly, and wise students in the Liberal Arts Tradition. This collection presents the cultivation of godly character as the primary goal of education– not merely filling minds with information, but enlarging heart affections in love of and service to God and others.
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