Pathway Learning Podcast

Process of a Leader’s Calling: Calling, Lesson 5
Is God calling you to church leadership? Learn four practical ways to confirm your call. Discover the process involved in four time-tested ways to confirm if God is calling you into church leadership – in the Calling Series by Steve Childers.

Elements of a Leader’s Calling: Calling, Lesson 4
How can you know if you’re called to be a church leader? Learn about the divinely inspired church leader’s job description. Discover four ways to know if you're called to be a church leader–in the Calling Series by Steve Childers.

Church Leader Calling: Calling, Lesson 3
Explore the essential calling of church leaders to equip followers of Christ for effective ministry. Uncover the biblical foundation for church leadership and its impact in ministry in the Calling Series by Steve Childers.

Secondary Ministry Calling: Calling, Lesson 2
Discover why your work matters to God! Find out how the popular view of being called to the ministry is the opposite of the biblical view in the Calling Series by Steve Childers.

Primary Ministry Calling: Calling, Lesson 1
Learn why you must fight against the belief that only an elite group of religious people are called by God to a life of ministry. Explore why nothing has had such a transforming impact on culture as a biblical understanding of God's call on your life in the Calling Series by Steve Childers.

How to Keep Praying and Not Give Up: Prayer, Lesson 6
Learn how to keep praying with confidence and not give up, even when you see no answers. Discover how trusting in God's timing can transform your prayers and your life in the Prayer Series by Steve Childers and Larry Kirk.

Learning How to Pray from Jesus: Prayer, Lesson 5
Discover the power of aligning your prayers with God's kingdom purposes. Explore how the Lord's Prayer is a radical blueprint for a kingdom-aligned life and ministry.

Prayer in the Book of Acts: Prayer, Lesson 4
Explore the Power of Prayer in the Book of Acts: Learn how prayer was the driving force behind the early church's mission and how it can transform your spiritual life today in the Prayer Series by Steve Childers and Larry Kirk.

Lessons from Jesus’ Prayer Life: Prayer, Lesson 3
Learn lessons from Jesus' prayer life that can transform yours. Discover how Jesus’ prayers shaped his life mission and can also shape yours in the Prayer Series by Steve Childers and Larry Kirk.

Prayer and the Kingdom of God: Prayer, Lesson 2
Learn how to Pray Kingdom Prayers: Explore the Bible's profound connection between prayer, God's kingdom, and God's mission in the Prayer Series by Steve Childers and Larry Kirk.

How to Pray in a Crisis: Prayer, Lesson 1
Learn the importance of prayer in overcoming ministry struggles in the Prayer Series by Steve Childers and Larry Kirk.

The Heart of Renewal: Renewal, Lesson 6
How does the gospel really change you? What’s your part? What’s God’s part? Discover how the gospel brings personal renewal to the human heart – beginning with yours.

Spreading Renewal: Renewal, Lesson 5
The answer our nation and world needs! History has shown that when healthy churches flourish, people and societies flourish. Learn practical ways to help your church spread gospel renewal in the world.

Community Renewal: Renewal, Lesson 4
Discover how your church is meant to be a sign, an instrument, and a foretaste of God’s Kingdom in your community. Learn how embracing both the gathered and scattered ministries of your church can help birth gospel renewal movements.

Church Renewal: Renewal, Lesson 3
Revitalize your church by discovering the biblical path to renewal. Learn how to lead your church to renewal by realigning the church with God’s mission of restoring people to God, each other, and the world in the Renewal Series by Steve Childers.

Personal Renewal: Renewal, Lesson 2
Personal renewal begins when spiritually thirsty people start turning away from their idols and begin drinking deeply from the well that is Christ. The key to personal renewal is learning how to understand and apply the gospel as God’s ultimate solution to all the problems of life.

Vision for Renewal: Renewal, Lesson 1
Experience personal renewal by being swept up in God’s cosmic renewal project to make all things new. Discover God’s kingdom vision for your personal, church, and community renewal through the transforming power of the gospel in the new Renewal Series by Steve Childers.

The Main Thing: Priorities, Lesson 6
Do you love me? Learn the life-changing lesson Jesus taught Peter after he answered yes to this question. Learn how to make the main thing the main thing in lesson 6 in the Priorities Series by Steve Childers.

Product vs. Process Living: Priorities, Lesson 5
Discover how lasting joy in life and ministry comes when you learn how to find joy in the process, not just the product. Learn how to apply Elizabeth Elliott's challenge, "Don't let your living for tomorrow slay your living for today." in this series by Steve Childers.

Pursuing the Kingdom vs. the King: Priorities, Lesson 4
WARNING: You can pursue the Kingdom and not the King! Join us as we explore the profound difference between serving God as a faithful servant and a beloved child–in Lesson 4 of the Priorities Series by Steve Childers.