By Steve Childers

Pursuing the Kingdom vs. the King: Priorities Lesson 4
Steven L. Childers

A very common problem among church leaders is that we see ourselves primarily as servants of God, or soldiers of God. Over time, our view of God can become mostly that of a Master or a Commander. Those biblical pictures of God are true, but there's so much more.

In this lesson you'll learn from the Bible that God's goal for your life is not merely to serve him, but to know him, love him, and enjoy him as your loving heavenly Father.

You'll be equipped to:

  • Remember that Jesus considers you to be his friend

  • Humble yourself so that you will receive God's grace

  • Rely on God for strength as you embrace your weakness

  • Look to God for the power and resources that you need

  • Be encouraged that God mostly works in ordinary people

  • Humbly use your gifts, and avoid the danger of boasting

Choose Your Learning Pathway


Product vs. Process Living: Priorities, Lesson 5


Goals vs. Desires: Priorities, Lesson 3