Community Renewal: Renewal, Lesson 4
By Steve Childers
Earlier we learned that a biblical vision for renewal includes a vision for the renewal of individuals, churches, and communities through the power of the gospel.
Now we’re taking a deeper look at what the Bible teaches about community renewal.
Author and missionary, Lesslie Newbigin, gives us helpful insights into a biblical understanding of the relationship of the church to the kingdom and culture by using three nouns:
“The church is a sign, an instrument, and a foretaste of God’s Kingdom.”
As a sign, your church is to embody the transforming power of the gospel of the kingdom in word and deed for all to see.
As an instrument, your church is to use the means of grace to see God’s kingdom come and will done on earth as in heaven (the already).
As a foretaste, your church is to be like an appetizer, through which people see and taste what is to come when Jesus returns (the not yet).
In this lesson, you will be equipped to:
Understand how the gospel is the primary means of community renewal
Distinguish between the “already” and “not yet” dimensions of the kingdom
Describe how kingdom views affect the church’s role in the common good
Explain the relationship of the church to the kingdom and culture using three nouns
Demonstrate the central purpose of the church as an institutional body
Describe how the organic church’s central purpose promotes the common good
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