Pathway Learning Podcast

The Heart of Renewal: Renewal, Lesson 6
How does the gospel really change you? What’s your part? What’s God’s part? Discover how the gospel brings personal renewal to the human heart – beginning with yours.

Spreading Renewal: Renewal, Lesson 5
The answer our nation and world needs! History has shown that when healthy churches flourish, people and societies flourish. Learn practical ways to help your church spread gospel renewal in the world.

Community Renewal: Renewal, Lesson 4
Discover how your church is meant to be a sign, an instrument, and a foretaste of God’s Kingdom in your community. Learn how embracing both the gathered and scattered ministries of your church can help birth gospel renewal movements.

Church Renewal: Renewal, Lesson 3
Revitalize your church by discovering the biblical path to renewal. Learn how to lead your church to renewal by realigning the church with God’s mission of restoring people to God, each other, and the world in the Renewal Series by Steve Childers.

Personal Renewal: Renewal, Lesson 2
Personal renewal begins when spiritually thirsty people start turning away from their idols and begin drinking deeply from the well that is Christ. The key to personal renewal is learning how to understand and apply the gospel as God’s ultimate solution to all the problems of life.

Vision for Renewal: Renewal, Lesson 1
Experience personal renewal by being swept up in God’s cosmic renewal project to make all things new. Discover God’s kingdom vision for your personal, church, and community renewal through the transforming power of the gospel in the new Renewal Series by Steve Childers.