Pathway Learning Podcast

Spreading Renewal: Renewal, Lesson 5
The answer our nation and world needs! History has shown that when healthy churches flourish, people and societies flourish. Learn practical ways to help your church spread gospel renewal in the world.

How Can I Forgive Someone Who’s Wronged Me?: Managing Conflict Series Part 6
The final step in resolving all conflicts is to forgive those who wrong you and be reconciled to them. But how can I forgive someone who wronged me? Learn more.

How Do I Own Conflict as a Chief Repenter?: Managing Conflict Series Part 5
Be the “chief repenter” by learning 7 marks of a genuine, biblical confession. One of the most liberating acts in life is to confess your sin, not only to God but to another person. Learn how.

How Do I Engage Conflict Wisely?: Managing Conflict Series Part 4
When someone’s sin is too serious to overlook, Jesus gives us a detailed step-by-step process through which we are to confront them in a loving yet firm manner – always with the goal of their restoration. Learn how.

How Do I Manage Conflict?: Managing Conflict Series Part 3
People can still hurt us deeply but they cannot crush us and rob our joy when we learn how to believe in the gospel. We can be liberated to forgive and love others well when we learn how deeply Christ forgives and loves us.

How Do I Redeem Conflict?: Managing Conflict Series Part 2
When faced with conflict, the first question we should ask ourselves is “How can I best honor God and love this person?” But the first question is usually more like, “How can I defend myself?” Learn how to redeem conflict in a way that honors God and loves people.

How Do I Understand Conflict?: Managing Conflict Series Part 1
Having personal conflict with others is an inevitable part of ministry. The question is not whether you’ll have conflict, but when and how you’ll respond. We must not try to eliminate or avoid conflict, but learn how to respond in a way that honors God when it comes our way.

How to Develop an Effective Discipleship Plan: How to Make Disciples Series Part 6
The reason most local churches do not have more mature disciples is because they don’t have an intentional discipleship plan. What does an effective discipleship plan look like?

Imitating Christ in Discipleship: How to Make Disciples Series Part 5
What would Jesus’ ministry look like today if he were a local church leader? His ministry methods are worthy of our serious thought and imitation. Learn how to be like Jesus not only in your moral virtues but also in your ministry methods.

Goals in Discipleship: How to Make Disciples Series Part 4
WARNING: Someone can be a visionary leader, outstanding preacher, brilliant Bible scholar, and missionary martyr but still not be a mature disciple. What does a mature disciple of Jesus Christ really look like? You might be surprised.

Principles of Discipleship: How to Make Disciples Series Part 3
Discipleship Principles 101: Effective discipleship requires placing principles before methods. Too much focus on methods can be harmful. Learn 6 biblical principles of discipleship you can apply with effectiveness in any ministry context.

The Master’s Method of Discipleship: How to Make Disciples Series Part 2
When Jesus’ plan is reflected on, it’s so different from the modern church that its implications are nothing less than revolutionary. Learn how to be more effective in making disciples by taking a closer look at the Master's method.

Foundations of Discipleship: How to Make Disciples Series Part 1
Jesus commands us to make disciples. But what exactly is a disciple and how should we make disciples? Learn how the Bible defines a disciple and the 3 specific ways Jesus teaches us to make disciples – in this 1st lesson in the new series, “How to Make Disciples.”