By Steve Childers and Larry Kirk

Prayer in the Book of Acts: Prayer Lesson 4
Steven L. Childers

In the Book of Acts, you have Luke’s second volume on the person and work of Jesus. Here you find the remarkable work of the ascended Christ continuing to advance God’s kingdom on earth through the church by prayer. Faced with the ominous task of making disciples of all nations, the apostles first devoted themselves to prayer.

In this lesson, you’ll learn how the church in the book of Acts was in continual dependence on the ascended Christ in prayer, and is therefore our model today.

Learning Goals

You’ll be equipped to:

  • Consider how the early church responded to their God given task

  • Show how each major movement of the early church was precipitated by prayer

  • Identify the early church’s response to various problems and trials

  • Recognize prayer as the means that God uses for the gospel’s success

  • Understand the unique nature and method of kingdom-focused prayer

  • Describe the characteristics that are typical of frontline prayers

Choose Your Learning Pathway


Learning How to Pray from Jesus: Prayer, Lesson 5


Lessons from Jesus’ Prayer Life: Prayer, Lesson 3