By Steve Childers

Church Leader Calling: Calling Lesson 3
Steven L. Childers

Earlier in this series, we learned that the Bible teaches there are two types of callings by which all followers of Christ are called by God to participate in his mission in the world: 

  • Our Primary Calling for all believers is to glorify God by aligning our life purpose with God’s to see his name honored, his kingdom come, and his will be done in all of life.

  • Our Secondary Calling refers to our specific work or vocation, such as our job or a role we have like homemaking, through which we fulfill God's primary calling in our lives.

In this lesson, we’re taking a closer look at a very unique group of people–sometimes called church leaders, evangelists, pastors, and teachers–whom God sets apart and calls to help believers fulfill their unique callings in his mission.

Learning Goals

You’ll be equipped to:

  • Examine the unique gifts and calling of a church leader

  • Distinguish between the different biblical offices of a church leader

  • Consider which offices still continue and which ones may have ceased

  • Understand the similarity of the offices of overseer and elder

  • Define the calling of church leaders in relationship to church members

  • Explain the Scriptural reasons for ordained leaders in the church

Choose Your Learning Pathway


Elements of a Leader’s Calling: Calling, Lesson 4


Secondary Ministry Calling: Calling, Lesson 2