By Steve Childers

The Main Thing: Priorities Lesson 6
Steven L. Childers

Three times the resurrected Jesus asked Peter, “Do you love me?” And three times Peter responded with a resounding yes. Then Jesus taught Peter (and us) what love for him looks like: showing our love for his often unlovable followers.

Church leaders must learn to make "the main thing the main thing" in life and ministry. When Jesus was asked about the main thing, he did not reply with the Great Commission to "make disciples of all nations." Instead, he replied with the Great Commandment, "'Love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest command. The second is like it, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'"

In this lesson, you’ll learn what it means to make "the main thing the main thing" in both life and ministry.

You'll be equipped to:

  • Understand how to make loving God and loving people the main thing

  • Realize the possibility of loving ministry while not loving God or people

  • Acknowledge that one of the greatest ways to love Jesus is by loving his sheep

  • Choose to see God as beautiful in His love for people, not useful in our ministry

  • Explain how Jesus loved the apostles and did not merely provide them leadership

  • Show your love for a beautiful God and his not so beautiful people in your life

Choose Your Learning Pathway


Vision for Renewal: Renewal, Lesson 1


Product vs. Process Living: Priorities, Lesson 5