Church Renewal Collection II Articles
In the Church Renewal Collection II Articles, you’ll learn how to renew gospel-centered churches that transform lives and communities. These 36 free articles are from 6 popular Pathway Learning books and courses:
Evangelism and the Gospel (6 articles)
Mobilizing Mercy Ministries (6 articles)
Integrating Faith and Work (6 articles)
Introducing Christian Missions (6 articles)
Developing Church Leaders (6 articles)
Gospel Renewal Dynamics (6 articles)
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Study the Evangelism Book
Evangelism and the Gospel Articles
In these six articles you will be equipped from Scripture with the principles and methods needed to help you engage in effective evangelism.
Goals of Evangelism (Article 1)
Motives in Evangelism (Article 2)
A Message About God and Sin (Article 3)
A Message About Christ and Salvation (Article 4)
A Message About Repentance and Faith (Article 5)
Methods of Evangelism (Article 6)
Study the Mercy Book
Mobilizing Mercy Ministry Articles
In these six articles you will be equipped from Scripture with the principles and practices needed to help you develop a more biblical and practical perspective relative to mercy ministries within the church and the community.
The Ministry of Mercy (Article 1)
The Marks of Mercy (Article 2)
The Vision for Mercy (Article 3)
The Goal of Mercy (Article 4)
The Heart for Mercy (Article 5)
The Practice of Mercy (Article 6)
Study the Faith & Work Book
Integrating Faith and Work Articles
In these six articles you will be equipped from Scripture with the principles and practices needed to help you develop a more biblical, theological, and practical perspective toward your work as a calling from God – whether your work is at home or in the marketplace.
Created to Work (Article 1)
Work as Worship (Article 2)
Designed for Influence (Article 3)
Called to Rule and Reign (Article 4)
Cosmic Restoration Project (Article 5)
Paying It Forward (Article 6)
Study the Missions Book
Introducing Christian Missions Articles
In these six articles you will be equipped from Scripture with the principles and practices needed to help you develop a more biblical and practical perspective relative to world missions.
Missions Myth 1 (Article 1)
Missions Myth 2 (Article 2)
Missions Myth 3 (Article 3)
Missions Myth 4 (Article 4)
The Story in the Stories (Article 5)
Becoming a Task Theologian (Article 6)
Study the Leaders Book
Developing Church Leaders Articles
In these six articles you will be equipped from Scripture with the principles and practices needed to help you develop mature, effective church leaders.
Leadership Development Principles (Article 1)
Leadership Development Methods (Article 2)
Leadership Development Models (Article 3)
Leadership Development Profiles (Article 4)
Leadership Development Principles (Article 5)
Leadership Development Contracts (Article 6)
Study the Gospel Renewal Book
Gospel Renewal Dynamics Articles
In these six articles you will be equipped from Scripture with the principles and practices needed to help you develop a more biblical and practical perspective toward personal, church, and community renewal as an extension of God's mission to redeem and restore all things lost in the fall through Jesus Christ.
Vision for Renewal (Article 1)
Personal Renewal (Article 2)
Church Renewal (Article 3)
Community Renewal (Article 4)
Spreading Renewal (Article 5)
Heart of Renewal (Article 6)
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Get all 6 Church Renewal Collection II Books together in one collection.
Church Renewal Collection II Books
This six-book collection (413 pages) includes:
Evangelism and The Gospel
Mobilizing Mercy Ministries
Faith and Work
Christian Missions
Developing Church Leaders
Gospel Renewal
Check out the Church Renewal Collection I Articles
Church Renewal Collection I Articles include:
Developing a God-Centered Vision
Building Kingdom Prayer
Cultivating Biblical Worship
Developing Christ-Centered Preaching
Creating Effective Discipleship
Developing Healthy Community Groups