Church Renewal Collection II Books
In the Church Renewal Collection II Books, you’ll learn a biblical, missiological, and practical approach to the ministry of church renewal – culminating in a practical church renewal plan. This collection includes books on evangelism, mercy, faith & work, missions, leadership, and renewal. Preview and download the books now.
In this book you'll be equipped from Scripture with the principles and methods needed to help you engage in effective evangelism. You’ll learn how to:
Understand the biblical goals of evangelism (Chapter 1)
Explain three Scriptural motivations for evangelism (Chapter 2)
Articulate what the bible teaches about God and Sin (Chapter 3)
Proclaim the good news of Christ and salvation (Chapter 4)
Call people to true repentance and faith in Christ (Chapter 5)
Explain essential methods of evangelism (Chapter 6)
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In this book you'll be equipped from Scripture with the principles and practices needed to help you develop a more biblical and practical perspective relative to mercy ministries within the church and the community. You’ll learn how to:
Explain why the church is the most effective mercy ministry under heaven (Chapter 1)
Recognize how mercy ministry reflects the mercy God shows us in Christ (Chapter 2)
Teach how church mercy ministry is a sign and instrument of God's kingdom (Chapter 3)
Defend how the ultimate goal of mercy is the worship of Jesus as King (Chapter 4)
Understand why mercy ministry is an act of service in worship to God (Chapter 5)
Determine best contextualized practices for your church mercy ministries (Chapter 6)
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In this book you'll be equipped from Scripture with the principles and practices needed to help you develop a more biblical, theological, and practical perspective toward your work as a calling from God – whether your work is at home or in the marketplace. You’ll learn how to:
Explain why work is a blessing meant to give our life purpose (Chapter 1)
Recognize God's calling to honor and worship him in our work (Chapter 2)
Understand how our work makes a difference in the world (Chapter 3)
Teach how God prepared our good works before we were born (Chapter 4)
Explain how God's mission in the world relates to our work (Chapter 5)
Describe why our work matters not just now but forever (Chapter 6)
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In this book you'll be equipped from Scripture with the principles and practices needed to help you develop a more biblical and practical perspective relative to world missions. You’ll learn how to:
Explain why a commitment to missions is an issue of Lordship (Chapter 1)
Describe how a commitment to missions relates to theology (Chapter 2)
Defend why a commitment to missions does not mean going overseas (Chapter 3)
Explain the relationship between our joy in life and God’s mission (Chapter 4)
Understand why your life purpose can only be found in God’s purpose (Chapter 5)
Define and demonstrate the meaning of being a “Task Theologian” (Chapter 6)
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In this book you'll be equipped from Scripture with the principles and practices needed to help you develop mature, effective church leaders. You’ll learn how to:
Understand the primacy of Christian character in leadership development (Chapter 1)
Develop a biblical and theological philosophy of Christian leadership (Chapter 2)
Describe holistic core competencies necessary for effective Christian leadership (Chapter 3)
Evaluate calling, giftedness, and core competencies for effective Christian leadership (Chapter 4)
Develop ministry vision, mission, values, and plans for effective Christian leadership (Chapter 5)
Design and implement a leadership development plan for raising up and strengthening church leaders (Chapter 6)
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In this book you'll be equipped from Scripture with the principles and practices needed to help you develop a more biblical and practical perspective toward personal, church, and community renewal as an extension of God's mission to redeem and restore all things lost in the fall through Jesus Christ. You’ll learn how to:
See a vision for personal, church, and community renewal (Chapter 1)
Understand how the gospel brings personal renewal (Chapter 2)
Explain how gospel renewal dynamics bring church renewal (Chapter 3)
Teach how the church facilitates community renewal (Chapter 4)
See how networks, alliances and movements bring renewal (Chapter 5)
Demonstrate how heart renewal is the heart of all renewal (Chapter 6)
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Get all 6 Church Renewal Collection II books together in one collection.
Church Renewal Collection II Books
This six-book collection (413 pages) includes:
Evangelism and The Gospel
Mobilizing Mercy Ministries
Faith and Work
Christian Missions
Developing Church Leaders
Gospel Renewal
Check out the Church Renewal Collection I Books
Church Renewal Collection I Books include:
Developing a God-Centered Vision
Building Kingdom Prayer
Cultivating Biblical Worship
Developing Christ-Centered Preaching
Creating Effective Discipleship
Developing Healthy Community Groups