Dr. John Frame Honored by Westminster Seminary at 94th Commencement in Philadelphia
Dr. Peter Lillback addresses Dr. John Frame at Westminster Seminary’s 94th commencement in Philadelphia.
Dr. John Frame was honored by Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia for his “steadfast service to Christ and longstanding teaching ministry” at the seminary’s 94th annual commencement ceremony on May 25th.
Dr. Peter Lillback, the president of Westminster Seminary, began his comments about Dr. Frame by listing the degrees he earned at Princeton University, Westminster Seminary, and Yale University. Lillback then spoke of Frame’s 49 years as a full-time seminary professor of systematic theology and philosophy at 3 seminaries: 12 years at Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia (1968-1980), 20 years at Westminster Seminary in California (1980-2000), and 17 years at Reformed Seminary in Orlando (2000-2017).
Below is an excerpt from Dr. Lillback’s comments at the commencement:
“Many pastors of recent generations have been impacted by your teaching ministry. Your publications are numerous and have been a rich blessing to contemporary Reformed theology. The multi-volume series entitled The Theology of Lordship covers a number of topics ranging from the doctrine of revelation to the doctrine of Christian living. You’ve also produced a noteworthy Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Christian Belief.
One could go on listing the various works in apologetics, evangelical theology and philosophy. These labors for the Lord have proven fruitful not only for scholars and pastors, but for all the people of God. I personally asked him how many books he has written. He said he stopped counting at twenty. It is our prayer that the Lord will continue to bless you and that you will continue to be instrumental in Christ’s cause for the glory of God.
For your steadfast service to Christ and your longstanding teaching ministry, on the authority granted to the board of trustees of Westminster Theological Seminary, we’re pleased to bestow upon you, John M. Frame, the degree of Doctor of Divinity. Congratulations, Dr. Frame.”
“The Apostle Paul describes the kind of churches he planted with a triad of faith, hope, and love … I pray this will be the kind of church you will plant, shape, and form, and these churches will make a great difference wherever the Lord sends you with the gospel throughout the world.”
Dr. John Frame’s challenge to Westminster Seminary graduates from 1 Thessalonians 1
Dr. Frame’s final charge to the 2023 graduating class of Westminster Seminary was based on the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians, chapter 1, with a focus on Paul’s triad of “Faith, Hope, and Love.” In verse 3 Paul writes, “We always give thanks to God for all of you, making mention of you in our prayers; constantly keeping in mind your work of faith and labor of love and perseverance of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Dr. Vern Poythress, Westminster Seminary professor of New Testament and Systematic Theology meets with Dr. Frame at the 94th Commencement of Westminster Seminary in Philadelphia.