Pray for New Chinese Spiritual Formation Course Launching for Underground Church Leaders
A video excerpt (3:47) from Dr. Steve Childers’ introduction to his seminary course lecture on “The Biblical Call to Holiness.”
Please pray for the newest Pathway Learning online Chinese course for leaders in the underground church that will be launched on Sunday.
Spiritual Formation
“My people’s greatest need is my personal holiness.” – Robert Murray McCheyne
Church leaders must learn to lead from character before skill. One of the greatest needs in the church today is for church leaders to recapture the primacy of developing Christian character (holiness) first in their lives, and then in the lives of those they serve. But to do so, without falling prey to the classic errors of legalism, moralism, and/or antinomianism (easy-believism), is very difficult.
Spiritual Formation is a course Steve Childers has taught for many years both in the classroom and on the field, in the USA and abroad, in many languages, for credit (masters and doctoral) and just to help church leaders not give up when drowning under the life-crushing load of personal and ministry demands.
In this course, emerging and seasoned church leaders are encouraged and equipped to be continually growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ through experiencing a safe place where the riches of the gospel are deeply explored and applied to real life and ministry. In this course, students are given an overview of the biblical and theological principles regarding the development of mature Christian character. This will help them develop a theological approach to spiritual growth and renewal in their ministries.
Students are shown how to experience the transforming power of the gospel in their lives and ministries through understanding and applying theological truths related to the Gospel of God’s grace. Students learn ways to be agents of gospel transformation in light of the Church’s mission to make disciples of all nations. Special focus is placed on the application of the practical theology of English Puritans (1550–1700) such as John Owen and Richard Baxter.
This new Chinese cohort is the second one launched by Rev. Moses Han, PCA church planter and Pathway Learning V.P. of Curriculum. To learn more about this course in English click here: Spiritual Formation (English)
Would you like to help sponsor this new cohort group? Your gift will go towards the expenses to provide this course for these Chinese church leaders.
For the King!
Steven L. Childers
PS: We need your help. The only way we can continue to help underserved church leaders in Asia and around the world is with the financial support of people like you. Will you please make a generous donation to Pathway Learning? Thank you so much. To donate, Click Here
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