Pray for Dr. John Frame’s wife, Mary
Mary Grace Frame
John and Mary Frame at their home in Oviedo, Florida
Dr. John Frame is asking us to join him in prayer for his dear wife, Mary, who was recently diagnosed with an aggressive type of brain cancer called glioblastoma (GBM).
After her surgery on Dec. 3rd and an extended hospital recovery, she returned home December 18 and is scheduled to begin chemotherapy and radiation soon.
Dr. Frame said recently that “Prayer is our best weapon. We ask you to pray for us. We are entering some waters that are strange to me, but I do know that our God is stronger than anything.”
Thank you for praying.
About Dr. John M. Frame
Dr. John Frame served as a seminary professor of Systematic Theology and Philosophy for almost 50 years. His areas of speciality include systematic theology, apologetics, ethics and philosophy. Dr. Frame began his teaching career in 1968 on the faculty of Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. He later served as a founding faculty member at Westminster Seminary California. In 2000, he began teaching at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, and retired in 2017. He now works with Pathway Learning and Steve Childers as co-author and theological editor of the Applied Theology Project. He's best known for his prolific writings, particularly his four-volume Theology of Lordship series.
He is a graduate of Princeton University, Westminster Theological Seminary, and Yale University. An ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church in America, Dr. Frame is deeply committed to the work of ministry and to training pastors. Students appreciate Dr. Frame's wealth of insight and his ability to communicate complex issues simply and clearly. Students also value Dr. Frame's practical definition of theology as "the application of God's revelation to all of life." Dr. Frame is a talented pianist and organist as well as a discerning media critic. He and his wife Mary have five children, Debbie, Doreen, Skip, Justin, and Johnny. Dr. Frame’s email address is