Pathway Learning Blog
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🍀 A St. Patrick’s Day Laugh (and Some Life-Changing Theology!)
Many link St. Patrick’s Day to shamrocks, but St. Patrick is also known for teaching the Trinity. While some analogies fall short, the Trinity isn’t just a mystery—it’s Good News! Watch a funny 3:49 video and a 5:45 deep dive on how the triune God’s work shapes the gospel.

Dance and the Grace of Discipline
Discover how ballet and faith share a profound connection in Silas Farley’s reflections on discipline and freedom. Just as dancers train to move with grace, spiritual disciplines shape our souls. Read how commitment to prayer, Scripture, and community mirrors the artistry of dance.

Exciting Growth: Pathway Learning’s Expanding Mission
Exciting Pathway Learning Ministry Update. God is opening new doors for Pathway Learning to equip church leaders worldwide—China, Japan, Iran, Italy, and North America. We’re also publishing our first book with John Frame! Read more in Steve Childers’ spring ministry update.

Perspectives Series Lesson Two: God’s Attributes
Can You Truly Understand God? Discover How He Makes Himself Known. God’s attributes may seem beyond us, but he reveals them in ways we can understand. Learn how this shapes your faith and ministry.

Perspectives Series Lesson One: The Revelation of God
Can we truly know God, or is he beyond our understanding? In Perspectives in Theology, Childers and Frame explain how God reveals himself—through creation, Scripture, and ultimately, Christ. Learn why this matters for faith and ministry.

Introduction to Perspectives by Dr. John M. Frame
Everyone has a worldview, a general mental picture of how the world fits together. Learn how to begin seeing your world through the perspectives of the triune God’s revelation of himself in the first episode of the Perspectives in Theology series by Drs John Frame and Steve Childers.

Vision for the Gospel of God: Vision Series, Part 5
The Three Tenses of Salvation: A Gospel-Centered Vision. The gospel isn’t just the way in—it’s the way forward. Learn how salvation works in past, present, and future.

Vision for the Church of God: Vision Series, Part 4
Why the Church is the Hope of the World: The Church isn’t just a place of worship—it’s a kingdom outpost. Learn how believers can bring light to every sphere of life.

Vision for the Kingdom of God: Vision Series, Part 3
Why the Coming Kingdom of God is Our Only True Hope: Governments, education, and healthcare can improve life—but they can’t fix the world’s deepest problems. Only God’s kingdom can. Here’s why.

Vision for the Glory of God: Vision Series, Part 2
God delights in blessing those who dare to align their life purpose more with his. What is God’s highest purpose for the world—and for your life? Jesus reveals it in the Sermon on the Mount. Click here to discover more!

What in the World is God Doing?: Vision Series, Part 1
Did you ever wonder why you want your life to count for something significant? You are designed by God in his image to make a difference in the world. Learn how!

Introduction to the Gospel of God
It's hard to believe that, after two thousand years, the Christian church is still debating, “What is the gospel?”. Read John Frame’s introduction to the new Applied Theology series book, "The Gospel of God: Good News about Who God is and What God Does."

Good News About God’s Mission: The Gospel of God, Chapter 1
The Gospel is not just a set of beliefs, but an unfolding story meant to shape your entire life. God's salvation in Christ reaches beyond the redemption of souls to the renewal of all creation. Explore this in the new series, The Gospel of God, by Steve Childers and John Frame.

Good News About God’s Kingdom: The Gospel of God, Chapter 2
Discover how the good news about God’s kingdom can give you a deep sense of purpose in both your private and public life. Explore how God’s kingdom has come, is coming, and will come in the series The Gospel of God: Good News You Can Use, by Steve Childers and John Frame.

Good News About God’s King: The Gospel of God, Chapter 3
Do you know the highest blessing of the gospel? [Hint: It's not forgiveness.] Explore God’s amazing promises of forgiveness, a new heart, and a renewed world for all who believe. Then learn the highest blessing in this new series by Drs. John Frame and Steve Childers.

Good News of a New Standing, Forgiveness: The Gospel of God, Chapter 4
Explore the life-changing good news that you are not only a pardoned criminal, but also an accepted and beloved child of God in the new series The Gospel of God: Good News You Can Use, by Steve Childers and John Frame.

Good News of a New Heart, The Holy Spirit: The Gospel of God, Chapter 5
Explore the life-changing good news that you can be not only born again, but also be set free from sin’s power, and transformed by the Holy Spirit in the new series The Gospel of God: Good News You Can Use, by Steve Childers and John Frame.

Good News of a New Life, Gospel Renewal: The Gospel of God, Chapter 6
Learn How the Gospel Changes Us: Practical Steps to Spiritual Renewal. Discover how disciplines of grace like faith, repentance, and obedience can transform your life in the new series The Gospel of God: Good News You Can Use, by Steve Childers and John Frame.

God's Triune Nature and Work: Perspectives, Lesson 3
Discover how to worship the Triune God with the Triune Gospel–from the Perspectives series by Frame and Childers. Learn how God's plan for humanity and the world unfolds through the Father, Son, and Spirit in creation, redemption, and restoration.

Toward a Theology of Faith, Hope, and Love: Applications in Theology, Lesson 6
Discover how to cultivate the life-transforming Christian virtues of faith, hope, and love championed by Paul, Augustine, Luther, and Calvin in this new series by Frame and Childers.